Monday, 7 November 2011

Thursday 3rd november - extra filming

for this lesson we filmed some extra shots that were needed to fill in the space gap in the middle of the song. This included some more shots of Ben in the music room when he is 'writing' and singing at the same time. we figured this needed more shots i.e extreme close up to divide the duration of the shot as it seemed too long and made the video seem less appealing when we watched it back with the class.
>extreme close up of eyes (to show more emotion in the video)

we also filmed more of Ben singing to the lyrics whilst sittin gon a bench, we figured that each verse of the video represents another location of either the band playing or Ben, the main artist singing or walking in isolation.
>mid-shot of Ben singing on bench
>mid- shot/ tracking shot of Ben walking through 'woods'

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